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      PRODUCTS > Polyquaternium-7 > Polyquaternium-7


      • DADMAC/AM copolymer、 DMDAAC/AM copolymer



           Product introduction

      [Alias ] DADMAC/AM copolymerDMDAAC/AM copolymer

      [CAS No.] 26590-05-6

      [Property ]

      Highly charged cationic copolymers developed improve compatibility and clarity in anionic surfactant systems. These copolymers are recommended to improve wet and dry properties of hair care products, and to enhance feel in skin care products.




      A.     Hair Care Products: Relaxers, Bleaches, Dyes, Shampoos, Conditioners, Styling Products, and Permanent Waves.

      1.    Can give people's hair a soft, silky feeling;

      2.    Provide excellent dry and wet combing for hair;

      3.    Can make hair curl better;

      4.    In a wide range of PH, it can provide better conditioning performance for hair.

      5.    It can be compatible with most cationic and amphoteric surfactants.

      B.    Skin Care Products: Moisturizing Creams, Lotions, Bath Gels, Liquid Soaps, Soap Bars, Shaving Products, and Deodorants.

      1    .Imparts a smooth, velvety feel; reduces tightness after drying skin

      2     .Provides excellent moisturization

      3    .Contributes lubricity which can help make skin care products easier to apply

      4     .Liquid cleansing products acquire richer foam with improved stability


      Hair Care Products: Reference dosage isl.O%- 3.0% Skin Care Products: Reference dosage isl.O%- 5.0%

          Package& Storage

      50kg PE Drum,125kg PE Drum, 200kg PE Drum, 1000kg IBC Tank.

      Pack and preserve the product in a sealed, cool and dry condition, and avoid contacting strong oxidants.

      The term of validity: Two years.

      Previous: Polyquaternium-39
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