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    • ejfscp.cn-又湿又紧又大又爽A视频国产,91嫩草国产线免费观看91,免费a级毛片18禁网站免费,成全视频在线观看更新时间

      Shandong Luyue Chemical Group

            Shandong Luyue Chemical is a diversified Group of 4 companies. It has regional and international business in the United States, Korea , Japan , India , Russia , South Africa and so on . The products are widely used in the mining, water treatment , medicine , pesticides , papermaking , textile printing & dyeing, oil fields and daily-use chemicals sectors.                

       The Group's strategy is to be the supplier of choice in the markets in which it operates and to continue to grow domestically as well  as through ongoing expansion of its footprint within the geographies and markets served. The main products are DADMAC,Allylamine series (Allylamine,Diallylamine,Triallylamine),Polymer series (PolyDADMAC),Textile Dyeing Auxiliaries,Pulp&Paper Additives,Water Treatment ( Oilfield Auxiliaries, Daily Chemicals ) Additives and Solvents ( 1,2-Dichloroethane).

        The company was established in 2003 in Feicheng City , at the foot of Mount Tai in Shandong Province. The Group attaches great importance to the talent team construction and scientific research. It has got successively for more than 30 new patents. There are more than 600 employees(end 2019) and the registered capital is USD 14.8 million. It has been certificated by ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 . It is known as a contract-abiding and credit-abiding enterprise, moreover, a security environmental protection advanced enterprise in Shandong Province.
            All business activities are underpinned by the Group's BIGGER values - Sincere, Innovative, Professional and Responsible.






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