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      Anionic trash catcher

      PRODUCTS > Anionic trash catcher > Anionic trash catcher

      Anionic trash catcher

      • Anionic trash catcher,L YPP-335


      Anionic trash catcher

      Product introduction

      [Product code ] LYPP-335

      This product gathers electrolyte for the strong cation, In the paper-making process can be used as anions capture agent, can effectively increase the size of the effect of fi Iler to increase the retention rate, solve many Anion problem: to improve performance of the paper machine, extend the life of blankets&net, reduce the amount of steam, improve the speed and production.




      Be used with starch,polyacrylamide (cPAM),and other retention&filter aids, mixed directly added to the pulp or white water system starch.

           Use area

      copy paper, newsprint, coated paper, kraft paper and other paper.

      Situation is different, adjust Zeta potential in the regulation of 2-6mv, through the PCD, Zeta potential and concentration should be adjusted appropriately to the specific technology.

          Package& Storage

      50kg PE Drum, 125kg PE Drum, 200kg PE Drum, 1000kg IBC Tank.

      Pack and preserve the product in a sealed, cool and dry condition, and avoid contacting strong oxidants.

      The term of validity:Two years.

      Transportation:Non-dangerous goods.


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