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      Cationic polymer flocculant

      PRODUCTS > Cationic polymer flocculant > Cationic polymer flocculant

      Cationic polymer flocculant

      • Cationic polymer flocculant


      Cationic polymer flocculant

      Product introduction

      [Product Code] LYPW-301

      [CAS NO. ] 26062-79-3


      This product gathers electrolyte for the strong cation, appearance is colorless to light yellow viscose liquid, freezing point:-2.8 ℃ , specific weight:1.04 g/cm3, resolve temperature 280300℃ .Be dissolved in water easily, not easy to combust, strong coagulate dint, good water solution stability, don't become gel and keep stable in the wide PH range, anti-chlorine. It is non-toxic and no adverse reaction to human beings, approved for drinking water purification process as only synthetic cationic quaternary ammonium polyelectrolyte by the United States Public Health Department (USPHS), safe and reliable, mild corrosion. The product has the characteristics of electron neutralization and bridge absorption in water treatment, good flocculation and sedimentation function. Obvious efficient in decolorization,killing algae, and removing organic matters.





      Used as flocculants in water and wastewater treatment. In the mining and the process of mineral, it is always used in dewater flocculants which can extensively applied in treating various mineral mud, such as coal, taconite, natural alkali, gravel mud and titania.

           Package& Storage

      50Kg PE Drum, 125Kg PE Drum, 1000Kg IBC Tank.

      Pack and preserve the product in a sealed, cool and dry condition, and avoid contacting strong oxidants.

      The term of validity: Two years.

      Transportation: Non-dangerous goods.

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