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      Poly DADMAC Beads

      PRODUCTS > PolyDADMAC Beads > Poly DADMAC Beads

      Poly DADMAC Beads

      • Poly DADMAC Beads


      PolyDADMAC Beads

           Product introduction

      [CAS Name ] 2-Propen-l-aminium,N,N-dimethyl-N-Propenyl-,chloride homopolymer

      [Synonyms ] PolyDADMAC, PolyDMDAAC, PDADMAC, PDMDAAC, Polyquaternium

      [CAS No.] 26062-79-3

      [Molecular Formula](C8H16NCI) n




      The product is a strong cationic polyelectrolyte, it ranges in color from colorless to light yellow and the shape is solid bead. The product is soluble in water, nonflammable, safe, non-toxic, high cohesive force and good hydrolytic stability. It7 s not sensitive to pH change, and it has a resistance to chlorine. The bulk density is about 0.72 g/cm3, the decomposition temperature is 280-300℃.





      Used as flocculants in water and wastewater treatment. In the mining and the process of mineral, it is always used in dewater flocculants which can extensively applied in treating various mineral mud, such as coal, taconite, natural alkali, gravel mud and titania. In the textile industry, it is used as formaldehyde-free color-fi xing agent. In the papermaking, it is used as paper conductivity paint to make conductive paper, AKD sizing promotor. Moreover, this product also can be used as conditioner, antistatic agent, wetting agent, shampoo, emollient

          Package& Storage

      25kg per kraft bag, 1000kg per woven bag, inner with waterproof film

      Pack and preserve the product in a sealed, cool and dry condition, and avoid contacting strong oxidants.

      The term of validity: One year. Transportation: Non-dangerous goods.

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