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      High efficient oil-water separation agent

      PRODUCTS > Water Treatment Chemicals > High efficient oil-water separation agent

      High efficient oil-water separation agent

      • High efficient oil-water separation agent


      High efficient oil-water separation agent

      Product introduction

      Appearance of this product is colorless to light yellow liquid.Be dissolved in water easily, good stability. This series of polymer is the highly charged cationic copolymer. It has synergetic effect and speed up flocculation if it mixed with inorganic coagulants, which can reduce the product costs.






      The second and third mining of crude oil output products dehydration, oilfield waste water treatment, oil-containing polymer flooding sewage, oil refinery wastewater treatment, food oily wastewater treatment, wastewater of middle deinking paper mill and deinking sewage treatment, urban underground wastewater treatment and so on.

          Package& Storage


      50kg PE Drum,125kg PE Drum, 200kg PE Drum, 1000kg IBC Tank.

      Storage and Transportation:

      Pack and preserve the product in a sealed, cool and dry condition, and avoid contacting strong oxidants.

      The term of validity: Two years.

      Transportation: Non-dangerous goods.

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