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      The group carried out a spring tree planting activity

      Column:Latest Rleases Time:2020-03-10
      On March 5, 2020, Shandong Luyue Chemical Group organized the staff to carry out a Spring Day Tree planting activity in Shiheng industrial park, and more than 150 people participated in the activity. It was very cold, but the staff were full of ....

           On March 5, 2020, Shandong Luyue Chemical Group organized the staff to carry out a Spring Day Tree planting activity in Shiheng industrial park, and more than 150 people participated in the activity. It was very cold, but the staff were full of enthusiasm and planted small trees. Towards evening, they had successfully completed the first day of the 1,200 tree planting task. The group aims to take this activity as an opportunity to fully show the positive spirit of each employee, not afraid of hardship. This activity drew in the distance between cadres and employees. This activity is also a perfect combination of humanity and environment. We appreciate the hard work of each participant, and we also hope that everyone can work hard and make persistent efforts to draw a successful conclusion for this tree-planting activity.


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